Your self-confidence is a tenuous thing. One minute you are on top of the world, and the next, you feel like a walking pile of garbage. You may not realise that little, everyday things can affect your self-confidence in a big way.
Here are the top five things that can negatively impact your confidence.
Not Eating and Drinking Properly
When it comes to our moods, research has shown that we are what we eat. A diet that is packed with nutrients can help to reduce any anxiety that we are feeling, boost our mood, and help you feel more confident. If your diet is currently loaded with sugar and caffeine, you will experience severe mood swings and energy spikes that can lead to a dip in how you feel about yourself.
Your Body Language
Social psychologists believe that if you lack self-confidence, you should fake it until you become it. If you are having trouble with your self-confidence, take a look at your body language. If you find that you are slouching, slumping, or standing in a stopped position, this can all lead to lowered self-confidence. Studies have shown that our body language can affect how we feel about ourselves.
Fear has the power to completely stop you in your tracks or make your dreams a reality. Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. In other words, when you are working toward your goal, you may find that your mind is providing you with false evidence that you may think is real but can quickly throw you off course. It is essential that you acknowledge this fear and carry them with you instead of running away.
Your Inner Voice
Your inner voice is extremely powerful. However, you can choose to listen to it, ignore it, or give it a different narrative. Because the subconscious isn’t able to distinguish fact from fiction, when your inner voice tells you that you can’t do something, you believe it.
Stress and Pressure our natural fight or flight mechanism automatically kicks in when we are under pressure or stressed. When our survival is actually threatened, this mechanism is excellent. However, if this response kicks in because you are always worried about things like money, work, or family, the adrenalin and cortisol running through your system can eventually make us sick. Building and maintaining your confidence is a process that takes time and effort. Learning the factors that can affect your confidence will allow you to take action to keep your confidence from taking a hit.
If you would like to create strategies to ensure a more confident you, get in touch for a free 45-minute Discovery Call.