
Are You Struggling To Identify Your Core Values?

Are You Struggling To Identify Your Core Values?

What are your core values? Are You Struggling to Identify Them? Are you living your life in relation to the things that are really important to you? Do you need help to identify your core values? Understanding our values and the things that are truly important helps...

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The Empowering Coach – Succeed in Business and Life

The Empowering Coach – Succeed in Business and Life

Hello and welcome I’m Claire Buck - The Empowering Coach. Through my blog, I want to give you the opportunity to get to know me a little better. Most importantly, I want to inspire and motivate you to take action today. I’ll be sharing my own experience with you,...

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How To Work Smarter & Manage Your Tasks for Reduced Stress

How To Work Smarter & Manage Your Tasks for Reduced Stress

If you want to know how to work smarter and manage your tasks for reduced stress, you're in the right place! Ever have days where you just don’t know where you’ll find the time to do everything that needs to be done? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Even the most...

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Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs

Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs

As a female entrepreneur are you expected to balance the responsibility of running the business with friends and family? Attempting to do everything at once can be totally overwhelming and is a major contributor to feeling overworked and burnt out. This is when it’s...

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Does Your Business Culture Foster Personal Development?

Does Your Business Culture Foster Personal Development?

Does your business culture foster personal development? In business, personal development improves effectiveness and this empowers your team to produce better results and meet their targets. For excellent results a business must have an energetic focused team that is...

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Success Rarely Happens By Accident Admittedly, there are some who have literally stumbled upon success, but the vast majority who reach those heights fought long and hard to get there. In fact, the majority probably failed at more things than complete failures have....

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Tips To Help You Grow, Evolve & Do Better?

Make Positive Changes Every day is new and offers the opportunity to be better. The way to improve and get better over time is to look at how you've done and determine what you can do better the next day. Being kind to yourself and nurturing your thoughts with...

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Goal Setting: Why Set Personal Goals?

Goal Setting: Why Set Personal Goals?

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to...

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Client Relationships Are Just Like Romantic Relationships

Client Relationships Are Just Like Romantic Relationships

Just like a romantic relationship, the relationship between me and my clients is an ongoing relationship, an evolution. I like to create an atmosphere of trust that makes it safe for my clients to be imperfect and to be vulnerable. But I also hold them accountable so...

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October News

October News

One of the most important things every business should have is a differentiator. Every successful business has at least one of them. As you know, a differentiator is something that sets you apart from the competition. It’s one thing they don’t have. One thing that’s...

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4 Practical Tips to Make Time for Yourself

4 Practical Tips to Make Time for Yourself

Start taking control of your time and carve out a few hours for yourself here and there using these ‘4 Practical Tips To Make Time For Yourself’ Finding time for yourself and the things you want to do isn't always easy between work and family obligations. Much of our...

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One thing that I always push hard with my clients (as well as in this newsletter), is the importance of differentiating your business from the competition. Without any real competitive advantage, your clients, customers or patients will more easily be courted away...

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August News

August News

As I write this, it’s mid-July. In the UK all the winter sports teams should have finished ’off-season (rest) and be well into ’pre-season (training to get ready for the forthcoming season). Unfortunately Covid-19 has obviously still disrupted the ’normal’ schedule,....

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Positioning you and your business as being expert in what you do is very important and there are many advantages. Arguably the biggest one is that it takes you away from commodity- type selling and into value-added selling! With the development of the internet over...

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THE HARDER YOU WORK THE LUCKIER YOU GET I hope you and your family are all well. In these challenging times, I hope my newsletter is inspiring ideas to help you to overcome some of the obstacles the pandemic has thrown up over the last or so. It could be that your...

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Best Boutique Business Coaching Practice 2022

Best Boutique Business Coaching Practice 2022

Claire Buck Coaching & Mentoring helps ambitious business owners and professionals to create a powerful platform for growth, alignment and success. In light of the company’s success in Corporate Vision’s 2022 Corporate Excellence Awards, we explore how it...

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5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Today

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Today

Self-esteem is terrific but can be an extremely delicate thing. When your self-esteem is high, you feel more resilient and are less vulnerable to anxiety. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to improve our self-esteem, especially if you've experienced setbacks in the...

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The No. 1 Excuse People Use To Put Off Their Dreams

The No. 1 Excuse People Use To Put Off Their Dreams

There’s one excuse that I hear most often from my clients who say they want to either make more money, or just want a better work/life balance. And it usually starts with “I just need to…” As in, “I just need to… Do a bit more research on the Internet… Read another...

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First, I hope you and your family and friends are keeping safe and well. The pandemic has had a significant and lasting effect on many people and of course many businesses. As most countries are now administrating the vaccine, whilst Covid is here to stay, lockdowns...

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Welcome to this month’s newsletter! My objective with it is to bring you easy -to-action business growth tactics and strategies that you can quickly apply to your business. Judging from the feedback I’ve received so far, it’s fair to say I’ve hit the ’sweet spot’ and...

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Do You Have An Exit Plan For Your Business?

Do You Have An Exit Plan For Your Business?

Do you dread the thought of exiting your business? Have you, like so many business owners, failed to develop an exit plan because you are too busy? Chances are you probably haven’t given it much thought. This is a huge mistake and will cost you dearly if you want to...

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Since February is the month of ‘LOVE’ I thought it would be appropriate to reinforce the importance of caring for your clients, customers or patients. There is nothing more important, especially right now during these challenging times! Acquiring them is often costly....

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The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

An employee with low emotional intelligence can negatively impact a workplace and their team members leading to poor morale. Examples of low emotionally intelligent behaviour include; not being able to take critical feedback, laying blame on other staff,...

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Review Your Current Business Growth & Identify Key Issues

Review Your Current Business Growth & Identify Key Issues

One of the biggest challenges that I find when working with my business clients is the ability to measure success and growth in a meaningful ongoing way. You can bring your business into alignment by following my 8-step checkpoint process to stay consistently calm...

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Most businesses get referrals. However, very few have what I would call a referral SYSTEM. Good businesses get what I call ’passive’ referrals. In other words, they get referrals from their clients, customers or patients because they’re good at what they do. Of course...

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Are You An Overwhelmed Business Owner?

Are You An Overwhelmed Business Owner?

Today I want to talk to you about being overwhelmed. This is something that comes up time and time again with many of my clients, so I thought it would be great to share some really helpful information. I can hear you saying: "Well I'm already busy enough, I don't...

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When Is It Time To Look For A Business Coach & Mentor?

When Is It Time To Look For A Business Coach & Mentor?

A business coach and mentor can help you make progress faster and build your business quickly by helping you see where you can improve things, where you can leverage what you already have and where you need to fill a gap. The big question is, when is the best time to...

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Succession Planning for Business Leaders

Succession Planning for Business Leaders

TOP TIPS TO DEVELOP A PIPELINE OF LEADERS & PLAN FOR YOUR SUCCESSION How you, as the business owner, CEO, or executive, approach succession planning depends on how much of the process is in your control. Succession planning is complex and requires a serious...

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One thing that I always push hard with my clients (as well as in this newsletter), is the importance of differentiating your business from the competition. Without any real competitive advantage, your clients, customers or patients will more easily be courted away...

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6 Lessons We Can Learn From The 2020 Olympics

6 Lessons We Can Learn From The 2020 Olympics

WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM OUR SPORTS HEROS? For many people, sports means entertainment but there are so many transferable skills in sports that we can use in our business and careers. Elite athletes have to train, not only their bodies to perform, but also their minds....

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As I write this, it’s mid-July. In the UK all the winter sports teams should have finished ’off-season (rest) and be well into ’pre-season (training to get ready for the forthcoming season). Unfortunately Covid-19 has obviously still disrupted the ’normal’ schedule,....

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Positioning you and your business as being expert in what you do is very important and there are many advantages. Arguably the biggest one is that it takes you away from commodity- type selling and into value-added selling! With the development of the internet over...

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June News – The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get

June News – The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get

I hope you and your family are all well. In these challenging times, I hope my newsletter is inspiring ideas to help you to overcome some of the obstacles the pandemic has thrown up over the last or so. It could be that your business is prospering... it could be that...

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High-Performing Business Owners

High-Performing Business Owners

Are You a High-Performing Business Owner? Do you often find yourself working in environments that are highly stressful, through job-imposed deadlines or self-imposed goals that can sometimes be unachievable? Every business owner encounters problems in both their...

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How To Address And Overcome Challenges Of The Pandemic

How To Address And Overcome Challenges Of The Pandemic

First, I hope you and your family and friends are keeping safe and well. The pandemic has had a significant and lasting effect on many people and of course many businesses. As most countries are now administrating the vaccine, whilst Covid is here to stay, lockdowns...

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March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Welcome to this month’s newsletter! My objective with it is to bring you easy -to-action business growth tactics and strategies that you can quickly apply to your business. Judging from the feedback I’ve received so far, it’s fair to say I’ve hit the ’sweet spot’ and...

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Our First Ignite & Accelerate Your Business Growth Copy

Our First Ignite & Accelerate Your Business Growth Copy

I hope all is well and that you are geared up for the upcoming holiday season. I’m delighted to announce that I’m introducing a new arm to my business mentoring, which is going to provide you with great value and knowledge for marketing and business growth. I’m...

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Building Up Brilliant Business Professionals

Building Up Brilliant Business Professionals

High-performing individuals often find themselves working in environments that are also highly stressful, be it through job-imposed deadlines or self-imposed goals that can sometimes be unachievable. Every businessowner and professional encounters problems in both...

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The Importance of Time Management

The Importance of Time Management

Time Management EffectivenessRather than working harder, we can work smarter. Effective time mananagement practices help us to realise how much time we can save. The success of these techniques largely depends on how you appropriately we follow the schedule we have...

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Time Management Tips And Tricks

Time Management Tips And Tricks

Properly allocating your time is never an easy task, especially if you’ve never been the type to make the most of your time. However, there are a lot of ways in order for you to start up and slowly integrate your whole system into practicing effective Time Management...

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